Golden Tree Garden

We made a trip to an arboretum to get some golden hour shots. What is an arboretum? It’s a collection of exotic trees from around the world, the perfect setting for this world class beauty.

We’ve been studying poses from old books of photography and tried a variation of one we liked. For the photo above, Madison laughed and loosened up, infusing the pose with some authentic emotion, so that one became my favorite. What do you think? Below is a photo more closely matching the pose. Which one is your favorite?

These last two shots were also favorites. I love how the layers of foliage and shadow interact with the model. The colors have a nice contrast, especially the rosy tones of Madison’s skin.

Richard Serra at the New SFMOMA

     The new SFMOMA is overwhelming in the best of ways. It’s hard to believe that one family, the Fisher’s, could have collected so much art. I guess a degree in economics from Stanford prior to founding the clothing retailer Gap doesn’t hurt, in that capacity. Now, thanks to them, the museum houses an enormous sculptural installation by Richard Serra, impressive partly because it could kill you. 

     The other day, riding the Sky Glide at the Boardwalk with my assistant Jacqueline, I had a similar feeling: earthquake strikes, we’re screwed. Serra’s sculptures evoke vertiginous feelings common to the urban experience. Humans adapt to these kinds of situations ripe with the potential for catastrophe by adjusting to the feelings and eventually ignoring them. Serra’s art brings this corporeal precariousness back into consciousness with his arching and leaning steel panels.JJT.Art.Seen.July.2016-5JJT.Art.Seen.July.2016JJT.Art.Seen.July.2016-3JJT.Art.Seen.July.2016-4JJT.Art.Seen.July.2016-2

Awakening in April


Tri-tip Salad from Mission St. BBQ

Jewel from Broken Shades at Mission St. BBQ

Wyatt Barrabee

Craft Beer at Mission St. BBQ

BBQ Dinner at Mission St. BBQ

Tommy is Back!

The Giant DIPA is back!

Aki Kumar at Aptos St. BBQ

Kendra at Pilates 26

Kendra on the machine

New Pilates Instructor at Pilates 26

Sunset from the Therapeutic Healing Collective

Making Cookies at Big Pete’s Treats

Beet Burger from Cremer House

Taz ripping

Shatter by Punch Extracts from Therapeutic Healing Collective

Rhythm of Days

You always heard older people talking about how fast time moves, but it wasn’t until you actually had experienced enough years to feel it for yourself that this mysterious element of time began to take shape: acceleration. My dad used to share an explanation for it. He thought that you always feel the same age internally and can remember what it was like to be younger, so the more time passes the faster it seems to go. It’s mostly an effect of the conflict between knowing that a lot of time has passed and feeling that it was just yesterday. He has a rare capacity for memory, though. He can remember slight plot details and character points from novels he read twenty years ago. When I stop to remember things that vividly stand out in my memory, like the earthquake of 1989, it doesn’t feel like yesterday, at all. For me, it feels like a different